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All lots within the Tide Lines community have sold! If you're interested in properties similar to these, reach out to MCKRE below.

What was Tide Lines before it became a residential and boating subdivision?

Prior to development by Tide Lines LLC, the property was a marine and boat repair yard. Tide Lines LLC obtained a Major CAMA Permit allowing the demolition of existing structures, environmental cleanup, installation of approximately 800 LF of PVC bulkhead, dredging (providing deep water access to the homes sites), and offsite fill to raise existing grade elevations. A Marine Fisheries rock jetty was installed to protect an existing natural grass wetland peninsula. The Major CAMA Permit was modified allowing individual homeowners to construct piers, boat lifts and dock facilities in accordance with the most current approved CAMA Plan. 

What are some more details about the Tide Lines location?

Tide Lines is located on Radio Island Road in Morehead City, consisting of ten single family home sites. The property is serviced by the Town of Morehead City water and sewer and is annexed into Morehead City's tax base. The property is positioned on a protected water tributary of the Newport River adjacent to the Morehead City turning basin and bridge serving Morehead City to Beaufort.

Are there limitations to where homeowners can build on their respective lot?

Since Tide Lines is a redevelopment, the neighborhood is grandfathered based upon the original CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) Permit and Storm Water Permit, which allows for 47.1% impervious area to be developed within the 75 foot AED line. The remainder of the allowable impervious area may be developed behind the 75 foot AED line should the site geometry permit such.


The Planned Unit Development (PUD) approved by the Town of Morehead City allows a 30 foot mean building setback on front and 10 foot on side property lines. However, the front setbacks are also governed by a CAMA 30 foot buffer yard setback from the water's edge. 


Each lot width is approximately 50’ in width, which is considered a traditional beach lot width. Given the side setbacks of 10 feet per lot, homes will not appear to be too close!

What are homeowners responsible for when building their home?

Each individual homeowner will be responsible for preparation of their upland development site plan and building plans required by the Town of Morehead City to obtain a building permit. As well, a Minor CAMA Permit approval from the Town of Morehead City will be required as part of the overall process. Homeowners can bring their own builder, but plans must be approved by the developer.



- Water meter fee: $300

- Water deposit: $100

- Service fee: $30

- Water impact fee: $750

- Sewer impact fee: $1,500

Are there details

about HOA dues?

Per the developer: "The HOA for Tide Lines exists for the purpose of having a Certificate of Insurance for the homeowners as a whole for liability protection.  In the event that a bulkhead on an individual’s lot needs repair, the HOA would be responsible for that repair. For example, if the homeowner of that particular lot neglected the repair of the bulkhead, the failed bulkhead becomes a liability to the adjacent homeowners. Also, at some point, the association may pay for the cost of maintaining the property across the road parallel to the railroad tracks by mowing the grass parallel to the street and also maintaining the current hedge which has been planted and currently maintained by the developer. Currently there are NO set HOA dues, and they would be minimum at best voted by a majority of homeowners."

What about decks

and steps?

The Town of Morehead City consider steps as a part of a building structure and, therefore, under normal circumstances would exclude the placement of decks and steps within the 30 foot CAMA setback. Since Tide Lines subdivision is a Planned Unit Development (PUD), there is an exception which allows homeowners to move their steps, not building structure, within the 30 foot CAMA setback. 


CAMA allows 200 square feet of decks and/or steps (i.e. impervious structures) within the 30 foot CAMA setback. During your building and site design, you should consider the base building site setback as well as the deck setback within the 30 foot CAMA setback and make sure that you do not exceed 200 square feet of wood deck and/or steps. The steps and decks cannot have a roof structure over them. Also note that a maximum 6 foot wide impervious walkway access to the water is allowed; however, the walkway is not considered part of the 200 square feet and is unlimited in area, thus you may extend a walkway from the steps to the waterfront bulkhead without restriction.

What should I know about constructing my home's pier/dock?

Every homeowner is allowed a maximum of two boat slips per lot, one large floating and one slip allowing a boat lift, plus finger pier and main pier access. The riparian setback associated with each lot (which allows cross access and ease of use for each homeowner's proposed pier and dock facility) shall not be modified.

What if I want to make a change to the proposed pier and dock arrangement?

Should you desire to alter the proposed pier and dock arrangement, it will be each individual's responsibility to apply to CAMA under the approved major permit. There is a $200 Minor CAMA Permit application fee for a revision for each home site should you desire to alter the proposed pier/dock structures. You will also be responsible for necessary documentation forms, drawings, etc. to substantiate your request. Individual's minor revision to the major approved permit is subject to CAMA's review and approval process. Stroud Engineering in Morehead City can assist you with the permit modifications and requests, and currently serves as a registered agent for Tide Lines to act on your behalf. 

Is there a minimum square footage amount required for an improvement?

Each lot varies in size and ability to facilitate a different home size.  Lots 6 & 7 lend themselves to a smaller footprint and square footage. Lot 8 -being a lot and half- lends itself to a larger footprint and area while lots 2, 3, 9 & 10 provide more flexibility than lots 6 & 7. 


While there is not a minimum square footage per lot, it would seem logical that a minimum for lots 6 & 7 would be in the range of 2,200 to 2,500, yet they do have the capability of housing 3,500. 


Heated square footage is not as important as how the home presents itself. An example: if the entire ground level is not heated area; however, with garage or open parking, then the second and or third level may consume 2,500 SF. The decks and steps also play into the total application of the design.  


As a reference, the homes on Lot 1 and 8 are in the range of 3,500 to 3,800 square feet heated.  Lot 4 approaches 5,000 square feet.   

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